Ancient Sacred Caves of Jambiani

Kuza Cave Culture Centre hides numerous wonders which makes it a hidden and mysterious gem worth exploring. The  ancient limestone cave was formed  about 250,000 years ago by thousands of years of water erosion that created secret underground rivers and pools. Eventually, the ceiling collapsed and humans and animals entered the cave to access fresh drinking water.

At that time this Island was connected to mainland Tanzania. Kuumbi cave, in South Jambiani, shows evidence of human habitation over 20,000 years ago. The ancient bones discovered include large animals like zebras, giraffes, and waterbucks. Some of the bones have sharp marks left by tools made by humans. Large collections of giant snails indicate humans gathered together in complex social connections  to trade goods, ideas and to find mates.There is a natural sculpture looks like a woolly mammoth frozen in time, so we call it the ‘Elephant Alter’.

The two video documentaries explain the importance of the caves to locals and their forefathers.

Challenges of the Sacred Groves from mwambao network on Vimeo.

Guardianship of the Sacred Groves from mwambao network on Vimeo.